These are the 50 days of joyful celebration from the resurrection of the Lord until his sending forth of the Holy Spirit in Pentecost Ordinary Time Easter | Eastertide | Eastertime | Paschaltide | Paschaltime | Paschal season They include Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion, Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord in the Easter Vigil, and Mass up to Easter Sunday in the evening. These are the holiest “Three Days” of the Church’s year. This is the six-week period of penance before the Death, Crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus Christ Sacred Paschal Triduum (Easter Triduum)

This is the Period during the Birth of Jesus Christ Lent This comprises the four weeks of preparation before the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ Christmas Time | Christmastide | Noel The liturgical year is made up of six seasons: Advent The mass readings for the Easter Season are as followsĬatholic Mass Readings for Easter Season, Paschaltide, Eastertide The Liturgical Year The mass readings for the Lent Season are as followsĬatholic Mass Readings for the Lent Season Catholic Mass Readings for The Eastertide | Eastertime | Paschaltide | Paschaltime | Paschal season The Mass Readings for Christmas Time, Christmastide, Noel are as followsĬatholic Mass Readings for Christmas Time, Christmastide, Noel Catholic Mass Readings for the Lent Season The Mass Readings for the Advent Season are as followsĬatholic Mass Readings for The Advent Season Catholic Mass Readings for Christmas Time | Christmastide | Noel Catholic Mass Readings for Feasts and Solemnities Catholic Mass Readings for the Advent Season